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How overthinking almost destroyed me (an entrepreneur mindset struggle)

This week I decided to pull down the curtain and share a little bit about myself… I have never been a secretive person…. Actually if you ask me a question I will 99% of the time give you a straight answer.

I have no secrets and I’m an open book…

I know it's easier to say it, but that has been the one thing I have tried to do since 2010

Before 2010 I was fearful of everything, planes, cars, I was a jealous person with my partners with my friends, I was insecure with my body, with my skills, I was opinionated about mostly anything except religion or politics….

I lived in a society of judgement, I lived in a society that expected something from me, and I felt the pressure…

I was expected to get married, have children, have a super body, be thin, be good...and because I was expected I was expecting it too...

My relationships, at least some of them, were very toxic, not all, and you know that when you’ve been in a toxic relationship verbally abused… you end up believing what people tell you…so my self esteem was nonexistent...

And because I was already so immature, insecure I was beaten and punishing myself for my actions and my decisions…

But the problem was I did not know how to get out of it…

I felt I was suffocating with all the pressure I had put on myself in my job and I felt the outside world was slowly killing my inner voice and was also quieting me.

I was so concerned about what people would think, or say about me, that I buried myself in work, and alienated myself from society….i did not wanted to be judged…

If they could not see me they could not judge me...right?? So Wrong….

The one thing that I wanted to stop was to think… I was already doubting everything I was thinking… because I was a dreamer…I was loyal, but I had forgotten how to be unique…

And I could very proudly say I was unique from the day I was born until I turned 12… or maybe the first time I liked the 1st boy…


Some of you may know this if you’ve heard me talk about this before… and I’m sorry I don't want to repeat myself too

Because I have gone through a personal experience and I have worked on my mind, my clarity, my uniqueness i have been able to understand with the most empathy that when you don't like something you should change it, if you’re not happy with your job, your partner, your children, your parents you should try to go deeper and understand why that is happening to you…

What is making you take the decisions you’re taking… is it because of pressure from others that you impose on yourself?

Or are you taking decisions because you know it's right with you?

I have seen many entrepreneurs put a bandage on their emotions and be afraid to go deep on their thoughts… some feel they have it all figured out… and maybe you do… but if you don't, you need to give yourself the chance to really uncover what makes the person you are…

Going below the surface, it can be painful, but going below the surface can also mean mental freedom to have clarity…

And after all this you might be thinking… why are you telling me all this?? Lol

Because I was an overthinker… about everything… i had self doubts about everything….i was afraid of judgement, what others may think that I would not do anything about it to fix it… and think…

“Well I’m just like that”

“I’m too old to change”

“I don't have time to change”

And believe me… yes you can!

And yes you have the time, because time is a state of mind.

If you’re alive, you want to make it real or better yet, you want your dreams to become true…. But something is not fully working in your business or in your personal life… there’s a nagging feeling that you know you can do so much more…

Then you need to shift your mindset and rewire your thoughts to help you not to go against you...because you need to live in reality in today, not in the past where you probably could have done something…

That past is gone and done….

Even your future is uncertain… and the only thing you have right now is now…

I always love saying, there’s no time like the present… and it's so true especially if you were like me that I was punishing myself from what I have done in my life.

Everyday it's an opportunity to not repeat what you don't like

Everyday it's an opportunity to do what you say you want to do

It only takes 1 day to live in the present.

Of course this isn't like you read a great parenting book, but then you do nothing about it…

You know you have to start practicing and you know you have to be willing to mess up, you’re gonna practice, it's not gonna work at the beginning, but ultimately over time, if you’re committed you get there…

But as you’re practicing part of the work is to remember who you’re, and that involves healing some of those past wounds first to then make the change you want right now.

If you are feeling like this too. Now, it’s the moment. Forget all the excuses and start your mindset shift journey right away.

So, there you go, here’s my little story not so pretty, but oh so real. I hope this story in some sort of way inspires you.

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(V) Veronica Di Polo was born in Caracas, Venezuela raised in Europe, now lives and runs her business in the beautiful coastal Mediterranean town of Moraira.


For more than + 15 years V has strengthen her expertise to help teach visible service entrepreneurs how to build and promote their business with clear marketing and messaging through courses and trainings like her signature program Visibility On Social Selling, other programs like Nail your Messaging or The Netflix Effect Website , as well as many other business-building trainings inside of V’s abundant Freebie library.

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