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When your beliefs don't let you move forward in your business

Well hello my dears! It feels weird to talk about myself when I’m posting about my business… I feel frustrated… I feel that most of the things happening in my business are happening to me, not for me… I feel my negative beliefs are not letting me move forward. Do you have any tips or suggestions on what I can do??

It takes the same amount of energy for us to believe that people don't care what we think or what we say… but the fact of the matter is that they are not just buying the products you sell or the services you sell.

They are not just buying the clothing you’re promoting or the new headpiece…

They are hiring for your website that is nicely designed

They are not hiring for your beautiful branding

They are actually choosing -

Do I really want to work with you?

Do I want to work with your team?

I wish I could shout this from a mountain top and say

People are less concerned for what they are buying from you…

And more concerned about who they are spending their money with…

Plain and simple…

And I’m not speaking to all of you… I’m speaking to the majority….

We want to hide behind the letters after our name…

Hell… I did that for such a long time… and maybe you heard me tell the story before… but if you haven't here it goes…

When I started my fashion business I hid behind the name Xtravagans... I was so happy nobody knew about me… and then later realized that people were actually reading my stuff… they were getting my weekly emails…

And I remember a few times this happened when people said to me -

You Xtravagans?? No way??

How could I prove them right?? I could have been pretending I was… but nowhere on my website, in my emails my name appeared…

Until, my best friend said to me… you need to start telling people you’re behind the brand…

And believe me … I was very reluctant… I didn't want people to know it was me…

And I didn't want people to know it was me, because I had issues with me…

I had issues with my beliefs, especially my negative beliefs... I didn't want to be judged, ridiculed, feel less then… which in reality I was already feeling less then… by not hiding…

I remember I would get invited to fashion gatherings and runway shows as Xtravagans… imagine if I had come out of my shell from the start… you would have probably heard about me before… lol

And still until this day… I tell myself stupid lies about that I’m a producer… that I love a behind the scenes… I still hide…

But I have learned to separate what I want my business to be, and my personal life…

In my business I’m the extrovert, the out there personality, the commitment, and I know that my podcast, and my YouTube videos and social media are part of my business, this is my job!!

You want to help people? You got to show up consistently.

You want people to buy when you have something to sell, you have to be top of mind, meaning you have to communicate why you know what you, what makes me and you different…

And yes… you can hire an entire sales team… but you know people connect with people…

you need results, I’m your girl!

You want leads, I teach you how.

You want to be consistent, I show you consistency.

You want to do as you preach, I cheer you along the way.

And as you continue to hide behind all your accomplishments… best dresses, best business, free shipping come in blah blah…

When at the end of the day what people want to know do you see me??

Because everybody has a credit card

Everybody has a cash payment that they are willing to act upon, but…

They are going to choose based on


How they feel about your business

And that my friends is the biggest obstacle business owners, new and old entrepreneurs have to crawl over

Because the vast majority of our lives we’ve been feeding our head with negative self taught…

And for the past 8 years I have been learning how to learn my brain… but also how to train my brain to not believe every single stupid thought that shows up… trying to bring me down…

I mean I have been learning so much about this muscle that I have been nurturing myself with how the brain works

Let me say I'm washing everything I knew before.. I've literally been brainwashing my brain to eradicate the negativity that I spend the vast majority of my life filling it… and I didn't even know that it was dirty I didn't even know it was messy.

The things I was telling myself I thought were normal.

I kept on telling myself

In just 1 more year you can do that…

In just a few more weeks, after these many audiobooks, after these many courses…

You can be actually qualified to call yourself an expert and do the things that you want…


Now we are getting real real

If you just lose this much weight… you’ll be happier…

If you just get that client, you’ll be successful...

If you just get that house, you’ll enjoy it more

If you just get that …

And hey

I didn't even know that was sabotage…

I said to myself, that’s just what it is…

That’s how it works!

I must do this, to get that...

And all of a sudden…

Life, this online world, google, YouTube… committing to myself

And waking up every single one getting punched in the stomach because that’s what happens to us entrepreneurs as if we want it…

Like yes please punch me again… I need to fall on my knees and fall again…

Until I woke up one day and said, am I masochist??

Why do I keep repeating the same pattern every single…

I know for a fact that I can lose all the kilos I want and still not be happy…

I can fly everywhere

I can say this is where I belong… when in fact I belong in my head…

So we have to go back and shift everything

So if you’re listening to me and this helps you to believe in your crazy idea for your business… and maybe some people believe you can't run your business… and yet you do!!! Because you show up no matter what they think…

If that is what I can do for you, yes let it be that..

And if in the future I stop my business… and if I had to think back I did it successfully because I helped because you were the richest, the prettiest, the most popular, the smarties, the funniest, the most viral...

It happened because you believed in yourself.

Ok don't forget to sign up for the freebie library

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(V) Veronica Di Polo was born in Caracas, Venezuela raised in Europe, now lives and runs her business in the beautiful coastal Mediterranean town of Moraira.


For more than + 15 years V has strengthen her expertise to help teach visible service entrepreneurs how to build and promote their business with clear marketing and messaging through courses and trainings like her signature program Visibility On Social Selling, other programs like Nail your Messaging or The Netflix Effect Website , as well as many other business-building trainings inside of V’s abundant Freebie library.

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Who's behind V's mind?

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